Bullfighting poster Zaragoza, Feria del Pilar 2023
- Friday 6th October: Novillada picada. Bulls from La Machamona for Alejandro Peñaranda, Ismael Martín and Ignacio Boné.
- Saturday 7th October: Young bulls from Santafé Martón for Diego Bastos, Daniel Medina and Tristán Barroso.
- Sunday, October 8th: Bullfight competition. Bulls from Castillejo de Huebra, José Luis Pereda, López Gibaja, Aurelio Hernando, Hnos. Cambronell and Hdros. Ignacio Pérez-Tabernero for Paulita, Serranito, Joselillo, Rubén Pinar, Carlos Gallego and Juan del Álamo.
- Monday 9 October: Novillada without picadors. Santafé Martón bulls for Porta Miravé, Jorge Mallán and Roberto Martín.
- Tuesday 10th October: Three bulls from José Vázquez and three from Hnos. García Jiménez for El Fandi, Sebastián Castella and Paco Ureña.
- Wednesday 11th October: Bulls from Alcurrucén for Sebastián Castella, Daniel Luque and Tomás Rufo.
- Thursday, October 12: Corrida goyesca. Bulls from Palha for Sánchez Vara, Octavio Chacón and Borja Jiménez.
- Friday, October 13: Bulls from El Pilar for Morante de la Puebla, Emilio de Justo and Pablo Aguado.
- Saturday 14th October: Bulls from Juan Pedro Domecq for Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro Talavante and Ginés Marín.
- Sunday, October 15: Bulls from El Capea for Sergio Galán, Diego Ventura and Lea Vicens.
Bullfighting poster Zaragoza, Feria de San Jorge 2023
- Saturday, the 22nd of April. Bulls from Couto de Fornilhos for Morenito de Aranda, Javier Cortés and Román.
- Sunday, the 23rd of April. Bulls from Valdefresno for El Fandi, Miguel Ángel Perera and Daniel Luque.
- Monday, the 24th of April. Novillada (bullfight featuring young bulls) Young bulls from José Cruz for El Melli, Tristán Barroso and Cristiano Torres.
Zaragoza Bullfighting Poster, Feria El Pilar season 2012 Friday,…
Bullfighting Program: San Jorge, Feria del Pilar and Festejos…
Bullfighting Program: San Jorge, Feria del Pilar and Festejos…