Zaragoza Bullfighting Poster, Feria El Pilar season 2017.
Saturday, October 7th. Novillada (bullfight featuring young bulls). Steers from Los Maños for Jorge Isiegas, Toñete and Ángel Tellez.
Sunday, October 8th. Bullfight. Bulls from Robert Margé for David Mora, Román and Luis David Adame.
Monday, October 9th. Novillada (bullfight featuring young bulls). Steers from Adelaida Rodriguez for Jorge Isiegas, Juanito and Carlos Ochoa.
Tuesday, October 10th. Bullfight. Bulls from Fuente Ymbro for Joselito Adame, José Garrido and Leo Valadez (alternative).
Wednesday, October 11. Bullfight. Bulls from Juan Pedro Domecq for Enrique Ponce, Cayetano and Colombo (alternative).
Thursday, October 12. Bullfight. Bulls from Antonio Bañuelos for Curro Díaz, El Fandi and Paco Ureña.
Friday, October 13 Bullfight. Bulls from Núñez Del Cuvillo for Sebastián Castella, Alejandro Talavante and Roca Rey.
Saturday, October 14. Bullfight. Bulls from García Jiménez-Olga García for Juan José Padilla, López Simón and Ginés Marín.
Sunday, October 15 Rejones (bullfighter on horseback) Bulls from Fermín Bohórquez for Hermoso de Mendoza, Lea Vicens and Mario Pérez Langa
Zaragoza Bullfighting Poster, Feria San Jorge season 2017
Saturday, the 22nd of April. Bullfight competition. Bulls from Partido de Resina, Cuadri, Alcurrucén, Ventorrillo, Flor de Jara, Ana Romero.
Sunday, the 23rd of April. Bulls from Luis Algarra for Curro Díaz, Paco Ureña, Ginés Marín.
Zaragoza Bullfighting Poster, Feria El Pilar season 2012 Friday,…
Bullfighting Program: San Jorge, Feria del Pilar and Festejos…
Bullfighting Program: San Jorge, Feria del Pilar and Festejos…