Zaragoza Bullfighting Poster, Feria El Pilar season 2014
Sunday, October 5th. Bullfight. Bulls from Victorino Martín for Rafaelillo, Paulita and Alberto Aguilar.
Monday, October 6th. Novillada (bullfight featuring young bulls). Steers from Jandilla and Vegahermosa for Borja Jiménez, José Garrido and Ginés Marín.
Tuesday, October 7th. Novillada (bullfight featuring young bulls). Steers from Los Maños for Miguel Cuartero, Varea and David de Miranda.
Wednesday, October 8th. Bullfight. Fuente Ymbro bulls for Juan José Padilla, Miguel Abellán and “El Fandi”.
Thursday, October 9th. Bullfight. Bulls from Victorino Martín, Alcurrucén, Fuente Ymbro, Puerto de San Lorenzo, Victoriano Del Río and Antonio Bañuelos for Daniel Luque as the only bullfighter.
Friday October 10th. Bullfight Mixta. Bulls from Fermín Bohórquez for Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza and Bulls from Núñez del Cuvillo for Miguel Ángel Perera and Alejandro Talavante.
Saturday, October 11th. Bullfight. Bulls from Juan Pedro Domecq for Enrique Ponce, Finito de Córdoba and Alejandro Talavante.
Sunday, October 12th. Bullfight. Bulls from Parladé – Victoriano del Río for Juan José Padilla, El Juli and Miguel Ángel Perera.
Monday, October 13th. Rejones (bullfighter on horseback). Bulls from Fermín Bohórquez for Andy Cartagena, Diego Ventura and Leonardo Hernández.
Zaragoza Bullfighting Poster, Feria San Jorge season 2014
Wednesday, the 23rd of April. Bullfight. Bulls to be determined for Finito de Córdoba and Morante de la Puebla.
Saturday, the 26th of April. Bullfight with bulls from a bull-breeding competition. Bulls from Zalduendo, Adolfo Martín, Celestino Cuadri, Fuente Ymbro, Alcurrucén, Ana Romero for Antonio Ferrera, Javier Castaño, Paulita.
Zaragoza Bullfighting Poster, Feria El Pilar season 2012 Friday,…
Bullfighting Program: San Jorge, Feria del Pilar and Festejos…
Bullfighting Program: San Jorge, Feria del Pilar and Festejos…